Classic King Kong Model Kits

Dimensional Branding Group (DBG) and World Builder Entertainment are excited to announce a new agreement between DeVito Artworks and Atlantis Toy and Hobby to bring the original 1960’s King Kong model kits back to a new generation of fans.
For over two decades King Kong creator Merian C. Cooper and DeVito Artworks’ KING KONG OF SKULL ISLAND property has offered the most comprehensive King Kong Universe ever created. More than just the first giant monster to thrill audiences all around the world, Kong became an instant cultural icon, indelibly stomping his way into the planet’s collective consciousness. Joe DeVito stated, “We’re thrilled to be a part of Atlantis Toy and Hobby’s restoration of the timeless Aurora ‘Glows-in-the-Dark’ King Kong. They have done a heartfelt-felt and spectacular job in bringing one of the all-time classic model kits back to life. From the beautifully restored original molds to the inclusion of every original piece, the result is nothing short of a work of nostalgic art!”
The King Kong kit will be fabricated in the United States using the original injection molds developed by the Aurora Plastics Company in 1964. These molds have been meticulously restored—not reengineered—to deliver every intricate detail of the giant rampaging ape that carries the helpless Ann Darrow away to his mountaintop lair. “Everything about this kit is original, authentic, and now absolutely complete” says Peter Vetri, president of Atlantis Toy and Hobby. “In this release, builders will get all of the original foliage and other details that had been omitted from previous incarnations with the help of DeVito Artworks. Plus, the restored molds are gleaming; they’re so beautiful to behold and every detail is there for today’s kit builders to enjoy.” “We’re so proud to deliver this kit in its original ‘Glows-in-the-Dark’ packaging,” adds Atlantis Vice-President Rick DelFavero. “We’ve had such great response to our other glow monster releases and we’re excited to be working with DeVito Artworks to add King Kong to that collection.”
Atlantis Toy and Hobby was founded in 2009 by Peter Vetri and Rick DelFavero with some guidance from former Aurora Project Manager Andrew P. Yanchus. With a combined 60 years of experience, Atlantis is a venture run by lifelong hobbyists who have demonstrated their adeptness in sustaining a successful manufacturing business. Atlantis Toy and Hobby maintains the proud traditions of the hobby, built upon world-class knowledge of service in the industry. Atlantis Toy and Hobby is headquartered in New York’s Long Island. For more information, visit
DeVito ArtWorks, LLC is an artist-driven transmedia studio dedicated to the creation and development of multi-faceted properties including King Kong Skull Island, War Eagles, and the Primordials. DeVito ArtWorks is founded and lead by renowned artist, illustrator and author, Joe DeVito. JOE DO YOU WANT TO ADD YOUR WEBSITE?
DBG is a brand extension agency focusing on brand licensing and business development, bringing unique, fun properties to life with entertainment, toys, games, and a wide variety of merchandise geared to please core audiences and new fans alike.
World Builder Entertainment is a literary based management/ production company that represents talented creators worldwide while specializing in building multimedia platforms for entertainment properties. The Los Angeles based company not only represents a variety of writers and directors in both film and television, but brands include the DeVito Artworks/ Merian C. Cooper KING KONG SKULL ISLAND property and Dam Things (GOOD LUCK TROLLS).
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